
What To Keep In Wallet To Attract Money

Lucky Wallet, Feng Shui, Attract Luck, Wealth and Happiness Here

Wealth and Happiness Here

So, you are looking to attract more wealth and luck in your life? Who isn't? Wealth attraction is big news currently and the way to bring extra wealth and luck your way.

We can start by investigating how your wallet has the capacity to kick start the whole process. Read on for the ultimate guide in encouraging the cosmos to bring your heart's desires.

Let's start by taking a look at the short answer as to how using the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shue, you can draw on the power of the universe to bring you luck, money and the opportunities you deserve.

How a lucky wallet can bring wealth? Using feng shui, there are many ways you can attract wealth to your wallet. Selecting the right color and shape, ensuring it's stored correctly, along with keeping your wallet uncluttered, with space to lie your notes flat will create the correct environment to bring wealth to you.

Now that we've seen how using Feng Shui you can make sure your wallet works hard for you in more ways than one, let's start by taking a brief look at what exactly Feng Shui is.

What is Feng Shui

Feng Shui is basically the study of applying methods that help people interact with their environment in order to transform their immediate world. In general, the reforms are connected with money, wealth, happiness and satisfaction in life.

It is a direct focus on how people have the capacity to strategically influence their environment by interacting with items and situations within their lives, which allows them to achieve more positive outcomes and specific improvements in their everyday lives.

One of the main areas Feng Shui can be applied is with regard to wealth and luck that surrounds obtaining more money in your life.

One of the key aspects of attracting wealth is how you manage your wallet. This includes the color, the shape, where you keep your wallet and other ways. Feng Shui is guidance on how you can start the flow of money into your wallet and your life.

"According to Feng Shui guidance, one of the key aspects of attracting wealth is how you manage your wallet".

What color wallets connect you with Feng Shui?


If you want to use the power of Feng Shui to attract wealth and good luck, the color of your wallet is very important. Let's take a look below at the most common colors to see how they work with this ancient wisdom.

  • Black is a very popular color for wallets and luckily, this symbolizes prosperity and wealth. If you are looking to advance your career or increase your fortune connected with the business, this is the ideal color for you
  • Blue is a symbol of water and represents an idea that water drains away, which is symbolic of the flow of water and is difficult to retain, impacting your finances and money luck. Therefore blue is not recommended as a wallet color if you have decided to follow the recommendations of this ancient lore.
  • As Brown represents the earth, it is a color that promotes and encourages saving. If you are looking to be more saving savvy or start a new savings regime, Brown is an ideal wallet color.
  • Green wallets are believed to promote income opportunities. Therefore, a green wallet is recommended for entrepreneurs who are looking for ideas and new opportunities.
  • Yellow is also an excellent choice for a wallet color as it is also directly linked to savings. If you are simply looking to increase your wealth, pastel yellows are best.
  • In Chinese philosophy, Red represents fire which ultimately sets fire to wealth, So it is not a good recommendation for a wallet color to increase your wealth prospects.
  • Although Pink as a color for your wallet, could attract a new lover, it is not the color which Feng Shui recommends for wealth attraction.
  • As pink represents love, Purple also sits in this bracket according to the ancient belief system of Feng Shui, so although a beautiful color for your wallet, it is not linked to creating wealth.

"If you are looking to be more saving savvy or start a new

savings regime, Brown is an ideal wallet color".

How should I prepare and store my wallet to encourage wealth and good luck?

In order to keep within Feng Shui guidelines, your wallet should be kept tidy and clean at all times.

The whole aim of this method is to increase the space in your wallet for more money. Making sure any unnecessary items are removed from your wallet, you will encourage luck involving finances. This clean and tidy guide also relates to any areas you use to work on your wealth, such as office spaces, home offices and anywhere else you conduct your business.

The whole point of the clean and tidy is mantra is the more space you have, the more you create a space to be 'filled' with money. Therefore, it is important to ensure that a wallet is free of things such as receipts, sweet wrappers, old cards, and other junk materials that are unnecessary.

The more organized you and your wallet are, the easier it is to attract the money and wealth which you desire.

Storing your wallet correctly is also vitally important in this Chinese doctrine. Your wallet needs to be placed where it can serve you well and needs to feel important and treasured.

If your wallet is 'appreciated' there will be more chance of accumulating more wealth and attracting the opportunities which offer up an increase in your finances. Make sure your wallet is not thrown around, such as on a tabletop or kept anywhere without due respect.

"Your wallet needs to be placed where it can serve you well, and needs

to feel important and treasured".

Do I need to buy a new wallet?


A wallet that had previously been used or purchased via any secondhand channel should be avoided. Feng Shui advocates for the use of a new wallet to keep the flow of money towards your wallet and your life.

One of the chief reasons for this is that the new owner of the wallet doesn't have a direct way of knowing if the previous owner experienced good or bad luck - in relation to their wealth creation.

If your wallet is old, torn or has seen better days, Feng Shui recommends that it should be replaced. The idea behind this is because wallets should be attractive to increase their ability to create more wealth. The idea that your wallet is a status symbol also holds importance, so clearly owning an old battered wallet, doesn't do anything for your status.

"A wallet that had been previously used or purchased via any

the second-hand channel should be avoided."

How can I attract more wealth to my wallet?

Since a wallet is where your money or representation ( your credit cards) of money is mainly kept, you can help to attract more wealth to your wallet by seeking extra luck. This can be achieved by placing three coins on a red ribbon that is placed adjacent to the home of your wallet.

It is believed in Feng Shui's philosophy that people who are constantly broke or luckless in money circumstances have messy or jumbled wallets.

Just as it's important to de-clutter your wallet, one that is messy is said to actively contribute to making its owner poorer. The notes in your wallet must always be kept neatly and using one with neatly organized compartments is beneficial to attracting wealth.

As credit cards represent debt or money that is borrowed, the more credit cards a person has, the more money they are likely to lose than gain. Instead of having more credit cards in the wallet, it's important to keep more currency notes in order to help you to attract more wealth.

"The notes in your wallet must always be kept neatly and using one with neatly organized compartments is beneficial to attracting wealth".

What else should I keep in my wallet to attract money?

Certain gemstones carried in your wallet are also said to bring luck which can attract a rise in your finances (not the most minimalist tactic to increasing wealth). It is important to carry crystals that can help you attract wealth. Feng Shui advises that any of the below gemstones will help to create the luck with which to enjoy an increase in your wealth and more prosperity.

  • Jade
  • Emerald
  • Green tourmaline
  • Peridot
  • Malachite
  • Calcite
  • Adventurine

Regularly changing the crystals you carry in your wallet from the above list, can significantly increase the possibility of extra wealth

And finally...

Now we've seen some of the ways you can use your beautifully crafted Allett wallets to attract wealth and luck you desire, Don't forget to browse our store to find a huge selection of beautiful hand finished slim leather gorgeous vegetable-dyed wallets and retro trifold wallets, which all come with our ultimate 30 days free return and our guaranteed 1 year warranty.


What To Keep In Wallet To Attract Money


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